Super Senior Strength Training Program Full Download
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Dear Friend,
My name is Ron Krayewski and that’s me in humorous “perception” picture there.
Let me first say that I’m not an anomaly, I’m not genetically gifted, and I certainly don’t spend seven days a week in the gym.
But, I do know a few shortcuts to keeping in shape and living a healthier life in my golden years.
I’d like to share these secrets and shortcuts with you if you’ll give me just a few moments of your time, and I can show you how you, too, can regain strength, speed, flexibility and your health faster than you ever thought possible.
There’s no magic bullet here. But there are proven techniques to combat the aches, pains, and ailments associated with getting older.
Guess what? You don’t have to turn into a shrivelled up, wheelchair-bound senior who watches Johnny Carson re-runs all day! There are seniors working out and staying strong well into their 90s, and you can be one of them.
Let me show you how.
Too many people have a defeatist attitude that the decreased mobility, agility, and balance associated with aging are inevitable. They think that muscle wasting (losing muscle mass) and weight gain are just a by-product of getting old.
I assure you, it’s not.
You just need to keep up, and even increase your strength training. The ailments associated with aging are not inevitable, they are PREVENTABLE and in fact REVERSIBLE.
We’re baby boomers — and we won’t take getting old sitting down!
Although fat-loss seems to be the rage, a fat-loss expert recently admitted that 99% of those trying to lose weight fail because they just don’t have the desire and discipline. On the other hand, anyone can become stronger and faster with minimum fuss.
Why get stronger? With increased strength comes the ability to function or carry on like you did 30 years ago. A side bonus is that with renewed strength you will slim down, replacing fat with solid muscle.
The fact is, strength training is actually more important now than it was when you were in your 20s and 30s. Strength training will help keep you young. We do not need to know how to add “slabs” of muscle onto our quads, or make our abs look like a washboard. We need sound, functional advice to help us get through the rest of the days of our lives with ease, grace, and enjoyment.
It’s that simple. And I’m here to make it even simpler for you.
“Results, results, results, that’s what we got. My wife and I spent long hours in the gym for many years with little to show for all the effort. When we joined Ron’s classes, visible results came quickly. The workouts were varied and fun. We got to do many things we had never done before. So our advice is if you want results too, quit playing around and get something accomplished with the guidance of a real pro.”
– Bob (64) and Sue (62) Dietz
I’ve been strength training since 1969. After building, owning and operating over 20 fitness facilities across Canada (Catherine’s Lady Fitness), I have hung up my diplomas in Ajijic, Lake Chapala Mexico, where I am known as El Jefe (pronounced “hey-fey”).
I am not only one of Mexico’s top trainers, but one of the top senior trainers for senior clients in the world.
My education consists of a B.Sc. in physical education from Texas Christian University, and a 3rd degree black belt in Wado-Kai Karate from founder Hironori Otsuka.
I learned kettlebell lifting from famed Russian Valery Fedorenko of the World Kettlebell Club, Muay Thai fighting from Lanna Muay Thai in Northern Thailand, and was certified by the National Strength & Conditioning Association as a “Strength & Conditioning Specialist” way back in 1995.
But my greatest feat was turning 65 years old this year and becoming a “senior.” In short, I speak your language, and I’m here to interpret the new fitness crazes, complex techniques, and intricate exercises to make them pertinent to the baby boomer generation.
Now that you know a bit about me, I’d like to show you my greatest workout secrets, which I’ve spent decades carefully crafting to cater to your specific age range.
I’ve created a series of three DIGITAL workout training videos for seniors who wish to pick up their fitness where they left it in their youth, and combat old age pains and grievances with a one-two-punch.
It’s called Super Senior Strength Training. These digial, downloadable videos combine traditional tried and tested techniques with the latest cutting edge workout styles and tricks, which together will transform your body into a more youthful, energetic, confident you.
I created these digital videos to cater to anyone from the very beginners to the advanced — they’re easy to follow, with clear explanations.
“They are easy to start out slow and work up to more difficulty. I like that aspect of them a lot. I also really appreciate the fact that you can do a whole of good for yourself without buying expensive equipment and without driving 20 miles each way to get to a gym. I have attended 3 different gyms (where I live). The people running these gyms helped me learned to adjust their machines to my body. That was it. None of these people impressed me with their knowledge of human physiology – only with their knowledge of how to use the equipment at their facility.”
—Pete Neri
—VIDEO 1—Learn an ancient technique from Turkey, adapted for seniors, that will make getting up from a lying position a piece of cake.Safe and effective abdominal exercises are demonstrated, with a quick lesson on why most ab exercise hype is a bunch of baloney!Learn how to effectively warm up your body, prepping yourself for an injury-free full body workout in any climate.Get great tips on how to design your own gym for cheap. Techniques for combining exercises for a more effective workout is demonstrated.Next, we move on to joint manipulation exercises.Master the basics with a stretching lesson that includes instruction on basic biology, and good stretching technique to avoid injury and increase your range of motion.Learn how to master the push-up with our novice inclined push-up technique that will build up your muscles for a full push-up while teaching you proper form.Learn how to master the simple squat and split squats, using assists that allow you to increase the intensity as you desire.Technique to increase your balance is demonstrated.Discover the secrets of effective shoulder muscle exercises.And more… —VIDEO 2—Resistance band exercises are utilized in various directions to thoroughly warm-up the body.Weight training exercises begin at the top of the body and work downwards to simplify.The Trapezius or upper back muscles is worked with both upright rows and shrugs. The “traps” heavily affect one’s posture and are called upon to press overhead or throw an object.Shoulder exercises consist of the over-head press as well as front/side/rear dumbbell raises. Strong broad shoulders enable one to put away heavy groceries onto the top shelf, and also give the appearance of a narrower waist.Bent-Over rows or pulling exercises work the entire back by changing the body’s angle and the angle of the wrists. The low back is strengthened by isometrically contracting as a stabilizer muscle which can prevent pain on the putting green or simply bending over at a sink brushing one’s teeth.The Chest Press or bench press is a compound exercise that targets the chest muscles, the triceps or back of arms and the front shoulder deltoids. Flys isolate the chest muscles. The chest is strongly used to push away an object or to throw a punch.If Squats is considered the “King” of exercises then the Lunge would be the “Queen” for lower body size and strength. Both exercises will build up one’s legs and butt and add strength and endurance to walking, running, jumping and of course squatting down to the floor.Calves or lower legs consist of two muscle groups to support the upper leg and assist in climbing, jumping and pushing off with the toes. They are best worked with heel raises with toes in, out, and parallel to each other.Abdominals are more than for aesthetics. They can be a predictor of good health as well as good posture. They can prevent low back injury and lessen the risk of herniation. There are countless ways to strengthen these muscles and should be performed without risk to the discs in the spine, as demonstrated.Arms may definitely be for aesthetics as men want to “fill out a t-shirt” and women appreciate their own firm upper-arm development. Having said that, strong arms can push and pull to a greater degree than weak arms. There are hundreds of various arm exercise out there, but a systematic routine of varying elbow position and wrist angle works best.And more… —VIDEO 3—“Ron’s workout is a gift you give yourself. Since I have been working out with Ron three times a week, I am more aware of my body. I stand straighter and my balance has improved which helps to prevent falls. I have significantly more strength in my legs. I especially notice this when walking up the mountain to my home. I no longer need to stop two to three times to catch my breath and rest my legs. In a nutshell, I like the way I feel. Thank you, Ron.”
—Paula Haarvei, age 67
This is not a follow-along video, but rather explains in detail what the exact sequence of the “New Super Senior Strength In 21 Days” workout.
Find out how to save your joints from needless pain by training with trisets of moderate weight rather than just working heavy.Obtain an uplifting experience, ladies! And men… find out how to eliminate “man-boobs.” On Chest Day perform a triset targeting the pecs or chest muscles. Women will want to perform this exercise at a 45 degree or greater angle to hit the upper chest.Eliminate poor posture and low back pain by performing bent-over rows 2 ways followed by Good Mornings and Dead Lifts. Your back is an often neglected area of your body as you are unable to see those muscle groups in the mirror, but others will see them.Correct sore and hurtful shoulders. Shoulder muscles come into play with every upper body motion that we do. A sound exercise program will often correct this problem. Shoulder day consists of doing Lateral raise/Over-Head Press/Lateral Raise.Get your legs back into condition. Your legs are your wheels and have supported you this far through life, now it’s your turn to show your appreciation so on leg day we’ll do squats and lunges to get them back into shape.Want a great set of “guns”? Let’s face it, what man wouldn’t want to fill out a t-shirt and what woman wouldn’t want firm upper arms? Your arms may be the weak link in your upper body. In order to push & pull with greater intensity, you require greater arm strength. Various tri-sets for your triceps and your arm flexors are demonstrated.Learn how to get a lean, strong mid-section to protect your back and provide stability to your body and help stay injury free. Six packs are for kids! Tired of doing endless sit-ups? Try these Side Twists/Side Bends/Crunches and Reverse Crunches.All training sessions should take from 12-40 minutes maximum, depending on whether you are training 3 days, 5 days, or 6 days.By week 3 you will be SIGNIFICANTLY STRONGER!“Working with Ron has been a wonderful experience. His Knowledge of fitness and nutrition helped me tremendously. I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical about working with kettlebells, but I actually found it to be fun and effective! I do believe that it was with the help of Ron that I really began to regain some self-confidence. I was looking for a way to increase my strength. He showed me that with the proper nutrition and supplements, I was capable of rebuilding my body in a healthy manner. I worked with Ron for three months but I saw my body transforming quickly. After only a few sessions, my strength and stamina had increased and my muscles started to become defined.”
—Annie Green, age 70
“I have been a member of a number of gyms/fitness classes over the years, often with on site assistance from “coaches” as needed. This was the first time I’d ever worked exclusively with a fitness trainer of Ron’s experience and calibre. What a difference! The work was still physically challenging at times, but Ron’s firm, but enthusiastic encouragement makes one want to achieve the goals he sets. I am so impressed with Ron’s background, qualifications & teaching manner that I know I’m in expert hands & that he’s only going to demand from me what he knows I can physically achieve.”
—Elaine Kellaway, age 60
“I wish I would have called Ron sooner. Workouts at survival of the fit are never boring and the benefits of Ron’s vast knowledge have been very rewarding for me. While the inches and pounds have decreased, strength, energy, and self confidence have increased. I can’t believe how much better I feel in just 10 weeks. I am looking forward to revealing the new person I am becoming to my children and grandchildren. Thank you, Ron, for your continuing instruction and encouragement. I am truly grateful I have received and continue to receive comments about how good I look (youthful in appearance) . My children think you are a miracle worker, my grandkids love that I now play road hockey and other games with them. It is a great loss for the Comox Valley that Ron has chosen to relocate. He is missed and will continue to be by his clients; we have lost a valuable contribution to our community.”
—Penny Lundmark, age 60
Strength training is the closest thing you’re going to find to the fountain of youth. Just like with anything, if you don’t use it, you lose it. The more you make your muscles work, the more efficient they will become!
Not only that, but your body will show its appreciation for your efforts in the form of all kinds of neat chemical reactions in your body that will slow down the aging process to a snail’s pace.
Super Senior Strength Training prevents injuries by improving strength in muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones. It eliminates any weaknesses in the body.Super Senior Strength Training prevents osteoporosis (weakening of the bones) by increasing muscle mass and creating proper bone density.Super Senior Strength Training improves structural balance by eliminating strength imbalances between two opposing muscle groups. Imbalances can result in pain and injury.Super Senior Strength Training burns fat with corresponding weight loss. Muscle tissue burns fat and by increasing muscle, you will increase the rate at which your body can metabolize energy and burn fat.Super Senior Strength Training enhances your independence in your later years because you will have the ability to perform everyday functions as you did when you were younger.Super Senior Strength Training lowers cholesterol and blood pressure by losing body fat and replacing it with muscle.So how much do you think that Super Senior Strength Training is worth to you?
How much would you invest if you knew that you could return to your old strength, and feel like a young spring chicken again?
Or not being able to get up in time to answer the telephone?
If you could return to being more like your former self again, then an investment of 20 bucks is almost nothing compared to the feeling of security and vitality you’ll feel in your body again.
Here’s a reminder of some of the things that you will learn by buying these Super Senior Strength Training workout DVDs:
Super Senior Strength Training makes you stand taller by strengthening and supporting the musculoskeletal system. Super Senior Strength Training increases joint strength and stability. You can minimize strength imbalances by strengthening joint stabilizers around a complete range of motion. Super Senior Strength Training reduces arthritic pain and increases physical functioning by maintaining a complete range of motion around your joints.Super Senior Strength Training enhances glucose metabolism and acts to prevent diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, disorders affecting fat metabolism and arterial sclerosis.Super Senior Strength Training helps the digestive stress of symptoms from Irritable Bowel Syndrome.Super Senior Strength Training restores bone density because resistance exercise increases your bone strength.Super Senior Strength Training gives you more energy because all your body systems are at work and operating more efficiently thus raising your overall metabolic rate.Super Senior Strength training makes tasks easier. Your new found strength will enable you to push, pull, squat and bend with greater ease.Super Senior Strength Training reduces healing time. Strong muscles and joints have a better blood flow and hence speeds up healing time.Super Senior Strength Training gives you better endurance through increases in cell mitochondria, fibre density and stronger bones and connective tissue.Super Senior Strength Training prevents osteoporosis (weakening of the bones) by increasing muscle mass and creating proper bone density.And much more!“In two months, I’ve gone from NOT being able to do a proper squat because of a wonky knee to being able to do 10 good squats and repeating the process 2 or 3 times in an hour… I can do chin–ups (first in my life) and work weights designed to strengthen my weakest parts… I’ve regained long lost flexibility and developed muscle power I likely NEVER had. My friends have noticed a change in my posture and body shape. I feel stronger, healthier and my tee shots are getting longer. What can I say!!”
- Don Marie Fraser, age 64
“I have never stuck to an exercise program for more than a couple of workouts in my 45+ years. I am ecstatic to be in my 5th month of one hour, three times a week, workouts. I owe it all to Ron. He took my fear of gym equipment away. He has motivated me into better shape than in my 20′s. I am addicted to training and love working one on one with Ron. It means I compete with myself and my goals. I am loving the results. Thanks Ron!”
- Susan Wharram
It’s the new year! And that means it’s time to put your new year’s resolutions to work. For a very limited time, I’ll be offering you ALL of my Super Senior Fitness products, including the strength training videos, for the ultra-low price of $47.
In this 33 minute digital video, you’ll get the benefit of all 43 years of my professional expertise, as seen through the eyes of a robust, ageing senior strength training specialist.
This program will guide you through every technique you need to grow big, healthy arms. And I won’t ask you to use and specialized equipment, or spend more than $20-$40 at the local fitness store IF you don’t have a few simple items at home already.
Today, at 65, my workouts give me the same energy, pizazz, and resilience that they used to, so I can be free to enjoy each moment of every day. I’m hoping that by being in the best shape of your life, you too will able to live your years feeling energized and thrilled to live each day.
Discover little-known secrets that other trainers keep for their high-priced clients.About two dozen exercises… perfect for seniors… focusing on beefing up your biceps, triceps and forearms.Double your workout’s effectiveness with The Principle of Variations.Beat those long, skinny arms by using a slew of special techniques that will increase the size of your arms.Learn which exercises are commonly done incorrectly – and how you should do them in a safe way to prevent you from injuring yourself.Cut down on your gym and workout time by incorporating these five great “super sets” and trisets.Save money by using homemade gym equipment in your workouts.And a lot more…The world today is bombarded with pollutants and toxins, which take a toll on human health. You may not know it, but your body is already showing the signs of an unhealthy environment and a toxic life. You may be inviting several kinds of diseases into your system, and you’re not even aware of it, let alone aware of how to deal with it.
So how do you get rid of that unhealthy lifestyle? The answer is simple, turn to body detoxification. With this e-book, Best-Kept Secrets to Total Body Detoxification, find out the lowdown and nitty-gritty on overall health, and how to battle the toxins that invade your body.
What’s in this eBook…
Get to know how your body systems work, and what you can do to keep them running in good condition. Know the ancient principles behind body detoxification. Find out what you can do now to change your life forever.Best-Kept Secrets to Total Body Detoxification will show you the science behind total treatment and an improved wellness in both mind and body.Know the natural detoxification systems existing within your body, and understand what makes you sick or unhealthy.How simple everyday plants can contribute to a healthier and toxin-free life.Guides you through the techniques, principles, ideas, and more on how to say goodbye to toxins, and say hello to a new you.On a balanced vegetarian diet one can very easily lose weight and stay fit. A vegetarian diet fights against heart disease and cancer, including gender-related cancers such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, and prostate cancer.
As far as money is concerned, it’s much cheaper to buy vegetarian food than quality meats and fish. Eating vegetarian is not only healthy, it’s good for the environment as livestock deplete enormous land and water resources.
This comprehensive guide contains everything you need to know to make a healthy transition to a vegetarian diet and to maximize the benefits of your new diet. You’ll learn…
How to get the nutrients you need while eating vegetarian meals you enjoy!Why the saying “you are what you eat” couldn’t be more true!The four types of vegetarian diets – and how to choose which type is right for you!What our ancestors ate – and how this is still directly impacting the health and our digestive systems today!How to transition to a vegetarian diet – you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to do when you follow these simple tips!Why the animal agribusiness has been called “one of the cruelest practices imaginable” – and why a primarily plant-based diet is a more humane way to enjoy the fruits of the Earth.7 physical conditions that are directly impacted by a vegetarian diet – discover why many people say they have never felt better in their lives within just weeks of switching to vegetarian diet! Exactly what you need to make the transition to a vegetarian diet as easily as possible – follow these tips and your switch to a meat-free diet will be quick and pain-free! Plus, this ebook is jam-packed with easy-to-make, great-tasting vegetarian recipes!As you age, it becomes more difficult for your body to respond to exercise with the same efficiency and zest that it used to. You can augment your exercise routine with naturally occurring, proven supplements that are safe for your body. In this eBook, Ron teaches you the eight supplements that every senior should be taking for increased vitality and rejuvenation, describing what they are, and how they will help you, in terminology you will understand.
Because I believe that Super Senior Strength Training will be such a tremendous value to you, I decided to throw in a few FREE bonuses for you to sweeten the pot.
In this digital video, we explore the tiny muscles of the lower arm. Ron shows you how to work each one effectively, without pain, to improve your grip strength in order to easily open bottles, carry suitcases, play baseball with your grandkids and do lots of other everyday activities.
Grip strength training will also help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, and other wrist, forearm and elbow injuries.
Grip strength… solving life’s everyday annoying little problems!
In this video, you’ll be taught the following exercises, most of which you can do with common household items:
Reverse curlsHammer curl compound exercise with variationsWrist curlsReverse wrist curlsEffective exercise with a baseball batWindow wiper bat exerciseIsometric hold – weight plate gripping (also demonstrated with a bag of charcoal)Special gripper tool exercise and reversed (upside down)Wrist roll-ups: forearm dowel curling and uncurling exerciseLarge water bottle gripping exercise – isometric holdsExercise is an important part of a strong, healthy body, but what’s even more important is doing it safely, and with the peace of mind knowing that you won’t hurt yourself. In my 41-page eBook, “25 Everyday Exercises For Super Seniors” you’ll learn 25 low-impact exercises that you can choose from to create a daily exercise routine that will be custom tailored for your body, your schedule and your level of strength.
Each exercise has been specifically designed to be low impact and gentle enough for you to do without risking injury.
Beat the deterioration of balance skills that comes naturally with age using 5 Balance Exercises that will protect you from falls and decrease the chances of you injuring yourself.Reverse the negative impact that aging has on your cardiovascular fitness each day by using at least one of the included 5 Cardiovascular Exercises to improve the health of your heart. (According to the Centers for Disease Control, in 2008 heart disease caused almost 25% of deaths in the United States.)Improve your circulation in all parts of your body with the 5 Circulation Exercises that will only take a few minutes to perform each day, and greatly improve the quality of your body’s natural blood circulation.Keep your joints supple and increase the range of motion in all areas of your body by performing the 5 Flexibility Exercises that will keep you flexible and nimble, and help you remain active as you enter your senior years.Reduce how much of your body strength you’ll lose in your later years with these 5 Strength Exercises that will help you keep your muscles strong and lean.Most of the 25 exercises also have variations that you can also incorporate into your exercise routine.Who hasn’t heard of the healing, nutritive and corporeal benefits of coconut oil? Delicious as a replacement for almost all cooking oils, the secret of coconut oil is out and “The Complete Coconut Oil Handbook” is your guide to exploring the wide variety of uses that this multifaceted oil has in store for you.
Discover how the daily ingestion of coconut oil can help bolster your immune system in surprising ways, and which fats your body actually NEEDS in order to have a strong, healthy immune system.Coconut oil is 90% saturated fat! Learn why this is a GREAT thing that will actually help you LOSE WEIGHT, and dispell one of the greatest myths surrounding coconut oil. The saturated fat in coconut oil is actually GOOD for you.The ancients from India knew the secret of coconut oil, and even today use it as a key ingredient in one of their most popular dishes. Learn how coconut oil can help as an effective aid for digestion, and how it can prevent indigestion and heartburn.Find out how one of nature’s oldest natural body care products (you guessed it: coconut oil) has been used worldwide as a natural hair conditioning product, and how you can use it to keep your hair moisturized, full, strong and dandruff-free.Keep your skin looking healthy and reduce the effects of aging with coconut oil. It’s a natural skin moisturizer that’s packed with vitamins and minerals, and can be used to alleviate many of the common skin conditions associated with aging.“I’ve taken out a number of memberships at community and private fitness facilities over the years, but always lost interest and never achieved much. Weight training with Ron is great. His workouts are always challenging me to do more. I look forward to each session. After less than 2 months, I see results. I’m stronger and have a lot more energy overall.”
- Alan Green, age 56
“Our three sessions per week have resulted in a distinct improvement in our strength, our shape and our mental outlook. We are most pleased with the expertise exhibited by Mr. Krayewski. There is very little indeed that he does not know about physical training. He is a true professional. He guards against any over exertion that may harm the client. We enjoy the way that he insures the exercises are correctly done every time, a vital part of good training. Mr. Krayewski is a true professional trainer, such as we have never before the pleasure to train under. We suggest, strongly, that anyone who is truly interested in proper and effective strength and fitness training, should contact Mr. Krayewski now. we Certainly will remain satisfied client for some time in the future.”
- Ron (78) and Babette (70)
I know you might be hesitant to buy a product that you download, instead of a physical product like a DVD or video tape. But there’s a reason that I decided to sell these as digital downloads, and not a product that you can buy in the store.
You get the videos instantly.They are a lot less expensive to manufacture than a physical product, which saves you money.They contain the exact same advice and info you need, no matter whether they’re digital or physical videos.You can save them to your computer, laptop, iPad, iPhone or Android device; you can upload them to the cloud so you can access them anywhere, no matter if you’re traveling, in the office or at home. Tell me you can do that with physical DVDs!I’m 100% confident that this entire package for only $47 will give you everything you need in order to start rejuvenating your life today.
Don’t say “Yes” — just say “Maybe” and you can test drive these videos for a full 60 days. Or your money back.If you have any doubts, your $47 investment is protected by my water-tight, 60-days-or-your-money-back guarantee. No questions asked.
What Does This Cost?
$200 – The 3 Super Senior Videos
$47 – Super Senior Arm Pump Video
$24 – Grip Strength Video
$24 – Get Faster Stronger eBook
$28 – Detox Secrets eBook
$24 – Vegetarian eBook
$47 – 25 Exercises eBook
$27 – Coconut Oil eBook
Total value of $421Today’s Price: $47Click here to get full, immediate access to your super senior strength training programRemember, these are all digital videos and books that you will download to your computer or mobile device after purchase.It’s simple. It’s the quality of the content that matters, and not the medium you use to watch it. Since DVDs (and books) are so expensive to produce and ship, I’m making these videos and electronic books available to you in a digital format for a seriously reduced price, thanks to how easy it is for you to download and use them. The content on these videos is just as effective no matter which format you end up watching. Only the savings is significant.
When you purchase, you will get immediate access to directly download all 4 videos (MP4 file format) and the 5 eBooks (PDF file format, free Adobe Reader required) onto your computer, where you can use them at your convenience at any time. Get all 3 of the Super Senior Strength Training videos now PLUS the extra videos and books without risking a penny.
To your strongest,
Ron “El Jefe” Krayewski
P.S.Don’t forget about my 60-day money-back guarantee! Buy now with the security of knowing that you don’t have to risk anything.
“Last November I was invited to a beach birthday party in Puerto Rico. The party was at the end of March. At the time, I was way overweight and out of shape. My first thought was tummy tuck, of course! I saw a plastic surgeon and he told me that most of my belly fat was in my gut not on it. He gave me a diet —6 basically part “atkins diet” and part low glycemic. Being celiac (allergic to gluten) I was used to avoiding bread, pasta, cake etc. so it was easy for me. From November to March, I dropped 20 kilos (from about 220 lbs to 175 lbs). I then decided against surgery and chose instead to get into a physical exercise program. I noticed Ron’s ad in the Reporter and began working with him 3 days a week for 1 hour each day. We are now at the end of our 2nd month and I feel like my goals have been met. My plan now is to join a gym here in Ajijic and continue the routines I learned from Ron; an excellent maestro (teacher) I must say! Thanks a bunch Ron!”
- Bob Dale, age 66
P.P.S.Better act now. This special $47 offer is good for the first 300 copies. After that, they’ll never be this low again. If you don’t click to buy now, you’ll end up paying the full price later.
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